
We create impeccable turnkey solutions for a wide range of business vertical and/or horizontal integration.  We utilize the same tools and techniques common in other development paradigms, also bring in passionate industry experts to produce actionable insight.

The COVID-19 crisis severely tested the business continuity & resilience,

and IT services stood up to the challenges faced during this period. Ever since IT service management (ITSM) is rapidly becoming the forefront of IT digital transformation. Organizations have always relied on IT services for steering day-to-day operations, but ITSM is now being challenged to re-create, modify, and provide IT services faster than the speed of business. Service automation, transparent, and real-time visibility, into service performance enables IT to proactively solve problems and accelerate business growth.


Our cloud-based solution offers a suite of analytical tools which enables IT Leaders to have complete control over their service management data, including immense workload, assigning tasks, efficient approval mechanism, smooth business operations, effective decision making, associated cost reduction, etc.

The solution offers the tools and necessary services to the IT Leaders to establish the IT department as a key contributor for sustaining business continuity, thereby enabling organizations to achieve their operational and strategic objectives. Also, equips leaders for developing growth strategies and managing business functional issues effectively

Change Ticket Status Trigger Auto Notifications

Extensible library of KPIs, measures & metrics

KPIs are quantifiable values that enable companies to measure how effectively they are progressing toward key business objectives. In IT service management, KPIs might include metrics such as the % of open or overdue tickets, average ticket resolution time, or the number of closed tickets, etc. Our 100+ ITSM-focused KPIs based on best industry practices and our service industry experience — and dashboards ready to help visualize the results.

Analytical reports for constructive decision making

Business objectives and KPIs are automatically tracked in Analytical view; which analyze, compare, and predict progress toward defined targets with real-time data.

For example, if a company is tracking toward a goal of more effective ticket resolution, they may choose to measure: Average close time of tickets, Number of tickets not solved, % of tickets opened online. Analytical reports automatically create reports for each KPI’s performance trend using both current and historical performance data. Users can here track KPIs in real-time and compare performance against targets.

Responsive, Interactive Dashboards

Dashboard provide a graphical view of performance trends and real-time results, allowing executives and business service owners to make quick, informed decisions at a glance. It delivers flexible and interactive dashboards for clear Performance visualization and easy customization.

Navigation is intuitive and familiar, with dashboards accessed from within the Hexalytics interface using drop-down menus, tabs & innovative industry specific charts. Interactive analysis and filters guide users towards meaningful patterns and trends. Dashboards can be also equipped with notification alerts to customize as per the users requirements.

Embedded, contextual analytics

Hexalytics IT Service Management empowers users and employees with self-service intelligence based on accurate, real-time data — while retaining the business context needed to turn insights into action. Embedded analytics provide faster, more secure, and more reliable results than traditional business intelligence or third-party tools, and make data discovery more accessible to stakeholders at all levels of the business.


Meet our partners

Delivering value-added to our clients through trusted, world-renowned partners. Our collaboration and partnership with these companies allow us to provide high-end resources and expertise, fulfilling our mission of innovation through data.


If you are interested in a career at Hexalytics, you’ve come to the right place. Browse our listings below to see our current opportunities or fill out an employee form to share your skills and interests. We are always on the lookout for new talent.


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